Honorary Alderman Nick John, a former Mayor of Worthing

Honorary life members:
Joe Kirk
Guy Freeland
Carol Millington-Pratt
Duncan Pratt

Geoff Parish (Chairman / Treasurer)
Karol Jeffery FCCA (Newsletter Editor)

Charity matters

We are an independent local charity registered with the Charity Commission, (Number 211467) that has been operating in Worthing for some 90 years. We are entered on the Register of Charities and the information on that record can be seen by clicking here * .   Our charitable, financial and legal affairs are overseen by the charity's trustees operating through a committee. This committee is also involved in fund-raising and publicity. Activities here include encouraging legacies, running stalls, store collections and other flag days, this website, entries in local and national directories, and contacts with solicitors, charitable trusts, funeral directors, local businesses and other animal welfare organisations. The purpose of all this is to keep the clinic running efficiently and able to provide a full range of veterinary care to the pets of owners who may otherwise be unable to afford treatment.


Our main assets are the clinic premises and our investments. These investments are held to generate investment income to help subsidise treatment costs to about 35% below the lower range of local private practice fees. Almost 98% of our spending is on animal treatments - a very high proportion compared to many other charities, large and small.

We produce annual accounts for the charity and copies of these accounts together with an annual Treasurer's report are available at the clinic.


After 90 years, the area's oldest veterinary practice and oldest animal charity is still going strong. Worthing Animal Clinic has seen numerous changes over the years, both in terms of its evolving culture and in veterinary practice. Yet it has not strayed from its original mission: to provide a kindly and helpful service to all animals in need. Hard copies of the charity's history, as written for the 75th anniversary, are available from the clinic.




100% of all donations will reach us - no charges or commission are involved. Each facility includes Gift Aid option.


Registered Charity No. 211467